Sunday, February 25, 2007


I've completed and started some knitting projects recently, and it's time to show off my work!

First is my Pomotamus sock. I used Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock in Seaside. So far I have only one done. The lace pattern is pretty complicated, but eventually I will do the other one.

Next is the Big Sack Sweater from Stitch 'n Bitch. I used the yarn called for, which is discontinued. Not to worry, I found it on eBay! It's Rowanspun Chunky. The color is actually olive green with tweedy flecks of different colors in it. I'm not thrilled with it - it's a little big, and I didn't sew the underarms right. But who looks at underarms anyway? It's also a little itchy, which means I have to wear a long-sleeve shirt underneath. Oh well, it's a very warm sweater and I still like it.

And below is my current project. From the Spring 2007 issue of Interweave Knits, this is the Bonsai Tunic. I'm knitting it in the suggested yarn, Berroco Bonsai in the same color. First is the picture from the magazine, and below that is my progress so far. I have about 1.5" done.

I'm disappointed that you can't make out the exquisite stitch detail in most of these photos. I think it's time for me to experiment with my camera a little bit.

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