I will confess, I quit blogging for two major reasons. The first one? Facebook. I swear, my entire life story is on facebook these days. Every picture I take, my "status" a few times each day. It's a sad addiction.
My Facebook page
And the second thing is, I can't figure out how to upload pictures from the digital camera. Dan put Picasa on my laptop, and now I have no idea how to use it. I don't know why it's so hard, but it completely stumps me. However, I can text pictures I take on my cell phone right to Facebook!
So I'll do a quick recap of the last what, 7 months?
- In October I hurt my knee doing another half-marathon, the Nike+ Women's Half Marathon. About mile 11 it went out on me, and I haven't been able to run further than 4.5 miles since. I'm thinking of starting up again to see how it does.
- In the late fall, DJ started Taekwondo too. He is now a camouflage belt, and Adam is a purple belt.
- We got a new kitty in early 2009! Her name is Zellandine, and she picked me out at Central Dakota Humane Society. Isn't she gorgeous?
- In May, I was the victim of job cuts, so I no longer work for CCC. I loved working part-time from home, and it really upset me to lose my job. For the time being, I'm working for The Idea Center; it's fun & interesting, and brings in a little money. I've applied to be a teacher's aide for the '09-'10 school year though, and I'm working on getting my ND teaching license. I'm hoping to maybe sub for '10-'11 to get my feet wet with teaching again - gotta ease back into it after being an at-home mom for so long! - and then hopefully get a placement the following year.
I think that's it for now. I really will try to blog regularly again, and maybe Dan can teach me how to get pictures from Picasa to Blogger.
Oh my gosh! My jaw nearly hit the floor when I saw an update! I thought maybe you had had it with the blogging world;)
I have a Kodak Easyshare camera for a reason. I near computer illiterate can use the software...perfect for me.
Holy crap! No way! Jen?!
Congratulations on working to break your FB addiction! Haha! Good to see you around the blog world again! ;o)
Hi Jen, Glad you decided to jump back into blogging. Go Gold Team!
welcome back to the world of blogging. visiting from your gold team member's site (mrs. newlywed). good luck in the challenge. you'll need to to compete with team maroon - we'll kick your butt as we're losing ours!
Here's the deal with Piccaso - it's just a browser for your pix. You can still find them all in "my pictures" and they should be easy to upload from there.
Or, you can go into Picasa, right click the pic you want, and save it to your desktop (or wherever) and that should work too.
But I see your pix just fine on Facebook, so it doesn't matter to me - woo hoo!
I should've known a smartypants like you would be able to understand Picasa, Nancy! Love your blog by the way. "Norman"? :)
LOL! FB has taken over hasn't it!!?!?
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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