Thursday, June 05, 2008

Yellow and Blue

OTHER than running... haha... there are lots of things happening these days! The boys have started their summer sports, I'll try to get some pictures put up next week.

But this week, the focus is on ADAM! He graduated from preschool in May, and here's a picture of him receiving his diploma.

And - the last week of May, Adam completed Taekwondo testing and became a yellow belt! The first three pictures are testing-in-progress, and the last 2 are pictures of proud new belt level kiddos.


Anonymous said... cute!!!!

Congrats on the new belt!

Amy said...

OMG Elph, he's adorable!

Julia said...

He is so sweet!

I love the Tae Kwon Do pics. They're so cute at that age.

Tammy said...

So cute!

Enjoy every moment of this age.

Delane said...

Jen your kids are the cutiest!!!

Anonymous said...

I have TAGGED you - go to my blog for info.