Thursday, May 25, 2006

Look What I Made!

I give you my completed Jaywalker sock, in Socks That Rock yarn, colorway Xmas Rock:

There's some crazy flashing/pooling, but I don't care, it makes them unique. The cool thing is, when I do the second sock, it'll look nothing like this one. Here's another shot from a slightly different angle. OK, I really just wanted to show off my sexy lower leg/ankle/foot. Rrrawwrrr.

I'm scared to death that I won't have enough for the second sock. If you're a fellow socknitter and you have a little extra Xmas Rock hanging around, email me. Call me cheap, but I just don't feel like spending another $23 on a toe's worth of sock.

And this is what I made on Monday Night Out with The Girls:

We went to Urban Girl for a little jewelry-making fun, and then margaritas afterward. This is a mother's bracelet - my birthstone (aquamarine) is on the far left, then two peridots surrounding the letter D, two sapphires surrounding the letter A, and two uh.. pink stones (tourmalines?) surrounding the letter M, then Dan's birthstone (peridot) and our wedding stone is the dangle (sapphire). It's my DAM bracelet!

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Flashing my Stash

I've seen "Flash your Stash" pictures before, so I had to do my own. Now keep in mind, this is ALL SOCK YARN. I have other yarn. But I can make 14 pairs of socks!

Friday, May 19, 2006


It's been a while since I posted sock pictures. So, below are my most recent socks. The pair on the left is Sockotta, I knit most of the first cuff during the Civic Chorus Evening on Broadway performance.. I only sang at the beginning and the end, so I had all this time to knit in between. The pair on the right is Opal Elements #1076. They are so pretty, and they turned out exactly identical! Ignore the cat paw in the upper right corner of the photo.

And below is my newest sock creation! I'm currently working on a Jaywalker sock, the yarn is Socks That Rock, colorway Xmas Rock. I've never done Jaywalkers before, it's fun! It's too hot to wear socks these days, but when fall arrives, I'll have really pretty feet.

I recently bought two skeins of Socks That Rock (Xmas Rock and Carbon), and six skeins of Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock (Black Purl, Aslan, and Seaside). I ordered Sensational Knitted Socks from Amazon, which arrived last week, so I have all kinds of interesting new patterns with which to knit up these gorgeous new yarns. They are SO soft and the colors are unbelievable.

I'll admit it - it's awesome that I have a sock yarn colorway named for a character in The Chronicles of Narnia. Rrraaaarrrr!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Even Better

Thursday night I made a nice dinner and decided to crack open a bottle of my favorite chardonnay, to date. I haven't had any Rombauer in quite some time, and it was yummy. I had a second glass last night.

After dinner, we went to the Band Night parade. I wanted to go for nostalgic reasons, because on Band Day fourteen years ago, I first got to know the cute, nerdy trumpet player with the fast car, who is now my husband. We were in the Century High School band, I was the fife player (in the fife & drum corps, which you can't see in the pic below because they're way in front - but you can see them and the color guard in the link above) my senior year. But this is a shot of the band as it is now, and I had to repress the urge to holler, "Looking good, Patriots, WOOOOOOOOO!" at them as they marched by. Or "Guide!" which is only funny if you're a former Patriot. I distinctly remember some former CHS grads yelling that at us, at my first parade, and I thought it was mean and funny at the same time. I still have a little pride for my alma mater, even though my brother is going to make fun of me EXCESSIVELY for it.

Adam M., Katie N., and Cade R. - I know you don't read this blog, but we had some fun that year! I wonder if I can still remember how to play Yankee Doodle on my piccolo...

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Look at that smile!

My baby's gone! Darien lost his first tooth tonight, as you can see. We're not sure yet what the tooth fairy is going to bring him. I guess it depends on how much cash is in Daddy's wallet. Congratulations to my sweet little guy!

Monday, May 08, 2006

Portrait of Relaxation

Yummy. Notice the empty wine rack in the background. Time to go shopping!

A funny note - excerpt from a conversation the boys and I were having at dinner:

Adam: Are bananas a fruit, mommy?
Me: Yes, bananas are a fruit. What other fruits can you think of?
Adam: Oranges!
Darien: Apples!
Me: and Watermelons, too!
Dan: Uncle Chris.

This is a test to see if he ever actually reads my blog.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

La La La

Here is a picture of our chorus performing last night, taken with Dan's Treo. You probably can't make everyone out, but I'm in the fourth row (second row from the back) first person on the left. The chorus link above is not really a link to our website, because we don't have one, but hey - it's the best I could do!

This is a view of one of the boxes inside the beautiful Belle Mehus Auditorium:

Here's what mom and I did today! We planted radishes, beets, lettuce, and carrots. We'll plant the rest (warm-weather crops) later on:

And this is Adam being... Adam.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Blossoms 'n Baby Buns

I took this picture of the juneberry bushes out in our yard this morning. They're so tiny and pretty!

I did not have a good week. Shall I summarize? To start the week off, my mother-in-law got pneumonia on Saturday and had to spend Saturday night and Sunday in the hospital. Darien was sick (vomiting) from 4:30 Wednesday morning until 8:30 the following morning, and stayed home from school for two days. I discovered I'm over-scheduled for May and June: I have clients due 5/17, 6/3 and 6/5. And my mom will be out of town from 5/17 until 5/28, I myself will be out of town 5/27-5/28. So I'm praying my 5/17 client goes early and the other two hold off until June. Then on Wednesday, on the way to a client meeting, I backed out of the garage and hit my mom's car and did $768 worth of damage to it. Then to top off my great week, Kernel decided to investigate mouse poison. So Dan induced vomiting (a 50/50 solution of warm water and hydrogen peroxide, squirted into his mouth via a turkey baster - I'm sure this will be funny to us SOMEDAY), and I went to the vet to pick up some Vitamin K tablets, which he has to take for three weeks, because D-Con is just warfarin, which thins the blood so the mice hemmorhage to death. How lovely.

But the good news is: my mother-in-law is feeling better and is home from the hospital, Darien is now better, our insurance is going to cover the damage I did to my mom's car, and Kernel will be fine.

Tonight is our final Civic Chorus concert of the season, then we're done until September. Our theme for Evening at the Opera is going to be Mozart's Le Nozze de Figaro (the Marriage of Figaro).

And now it's time for a cute baby picture!